Friday, October 16, 2009


This is absurd.
But this tension in fact is one of the secrets to extreme happiness.
You must learn to be content with what you have, and say “Thank You” often, and take time to celebrate and throw a party. Yet at the next breath, desire for better things, strive for higher summits, and embrace change.
How is that possible?
Love is the answer.
Now, let me tell you my second fascinating story.
I’m sure you haven’t read this story before.
Why? Because I wrote 75% of it. Haha.
Okay, read and enjoy!
The Stream And The Wind
One day, the Stream stared at the desert—and sighed a deep sigh.
He knew he was stuck. How could he cross this giant desert?
So the Stream talked to the Wind.
“Mr. Wind, I need your advice. I want to cross this gigantic desert. But if I throw myself to it, the sand will absorb me and I will be no more…”
“That is true,” the Wind thought deeply.
“So what should I do? You see, I have a dream. I want to grow. I want more fish to make their home in me. I want more trees to plant their roots on my shoulders. I want happy families to have picnics on my banks. I want to bless the world with great love.”
The Wind smiled, “I can help you. I can absorb you and carry you through this desert.”
The Stream was stunned. He said, “Isn’t that terrifying? What does that mean that you will absorb me?”
“That means that you’ll become a cloud and I’ll carry you to the other side of the desert. Once there, you’ll become rain and you can become a stream again.”
“I’ll change my form? I’ll no longer be me?”
No One Can Resist Change
“Mr. Stream, you have three choices. Your first choice is to give up your dream and stay where you are.
The Stream said, “Out of the question. My dream of love pushes me to grow.”
“Your second choice,” said the Wind, “is to cross the desert without changing anything. To dream and yet to prevent the dream from changing you.”
“And what is my third choice?”
“To dream and embrace change,” the Wind smiled.
“Carry me, Mr. Wind. I’m ready!” the Stream laughed.
Be Comfortable With Chaos

Immediately, the Wind rushed down and blew hard on the Stream. Bits and pieces of the Stream began to swirl upwards. It was terrifying. Chaos ruled!
For a moment, the Stream was gripped by the clutches of fear again.
So the Wind shouted through the chaos, “Who are you? You’re not a Stream. You’re Water! Your essence is not your form. When you know who you really are, you can be comfortable amidst the chaos. Because deep within you, you know that nothing will ever change.”
Water said, “But I am still afraid!”
“Love who you are and love your dream. Love the fish who will live in you, the trees who will be planted on your shoulders, and the families who will have picnics on your banks. And love will push all your fear away.”
Finally, at the other side of the desert, the falling rain collected itself into a Stream again. When he was complete, he said, “Mr. Wind, I don’t know how to thank you. You changed me.”
The Wind smiled, “No, my friend. Only love can change you.”

1 comment:

  1. ang galing mo naman pala.. saan mo kinuha ang mga yan... gusto ko to`...BE CONTENT AND DESIRE GROWTH AT THE SAME TIME?

    CONGRATZ... God Bless..
