Friday, October 16, 2009


Lovely story, right?
But may I poke a giant hole in this lovely story?
Think with me. If the fisherman decided to expand and “complicate” his life by setting up a large fishing business, wouldn’t he have been able to give jobs, feed their families, and serve many customers?
I believe the biggest question of life isn’t “Who had the most fun?”
The biggest question of life is “Who loved the most?”
Being content with where you are is fantastic.
But growth, if required by love, is fantastic too.
At the end of the day, contentment and growth are important, but not the most important values. Love is!
This will solve this next problem…
Be Content and Desire Growth,

1 comment:

  1. wow.. very uplifting.. that`s right we have to be contented with what we have. I am a catholic, at present active ako sa EL Shaddai.. Try mo log on to this website: tune in ka sa DWXI-1314 (kHz)... Happy hearing...or anything you want to do on that website.. God Bless again..
